Sunday, June 14, 2009

Matt's Mission Call to Honduras, San Pedro, Sula

It seems like yesterday Matt was a little blond-headed boy, riding bikes in the neighborhood, playing out in the yard with his plastic golf clubs and competing in little league. Then, later, the passion of running long distance came along and molded his character and body into a tough, righteous, determined young man. I am telling you, the time flies by. You turn around and he's a two yr. old, then he's 4, then it's his first day of school, then he's 8, 10, then a Deacon, teenager, and now .... all grown up.

We had a beautiful time together. It's not over, I know!!! There'll be many more adventures. Matt, thanks for making me a proud mother. You have been a dream child. You were easy to raise. You rock my world. Now you'll spend the next two years in the northern part of Honduras, sharing the meaning of life with people who's hearts and minds are inquiring: "What is the meaning of life?", "Why am I here?", "Did I exist before I came to earth?", "Where am I going after I die?". . . . (except spoken in Spanish!) You'll be able to convey the message successfully, I am sure of that. We all love you, Matt, and we are fully supportive of your righteous desire to serve the Lord.
All you moms out there with little ones, can I give you some advice? Enjoy the journey, enjoy the days when your kids are young. Hold them tight, smother them with love. Discipline them, teach them. I'm far from perfect, but I'm glad I tried my hardest.

1 comment:

Diana said...

We are all so excited about Matt and talk about him every day. How does a mom like me looking in from the outside express my gratitude to Matt for his shining example, a young man I want my boys to be every wit! And that includes David & J.J. as well. We love you!